Hila Mor is a researcher, designer and artist. She is currently working on her  Ph.D. in advised by professor Eric Paulos at the Hybrid Ecologies Lab, UC Berkeley. Hila holds a Master in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT Media Lab, the Tangible Media Group, where she conducted her research ‘Venous Materials’ which envisions how fluidic mechanisms can lead towards future interactive everyday experiences and tools. At Media Lab, beyond leading her thesis research, Hila closely collaborated with interdisciplinary teams from computer science, material science, mechanical engineering, architecture, bio-engineering, art and design. 

Hila received B.Design cum laude from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, and took part in a research excellence program ‘The Incubator’ at the Bezalel. Hila presented her work in multiple design platforms and exhibitions such as ARS Electronica Cambridge Garden 2020, Holon Design Museum, exhibitions and art fairs in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. She received several design awards including Platinum A Design Award 2021, Fast Company Innovation by Design Finalist 2020, and honored the Polonsky award of remarkable design work 2016.